Teheca nurse team

Nurturing Tiny Taste Buds: A Guide to Fruits for Babies

  • Nurturing Tiny Taste Buds: A Guide to  Fruits for Babies

    Nurturing Tiny Taste Buds: A Guide to Fruits for Babies

    Introducing fruits into your infant’s diet is a delightful and essential step, but it’s crucial to choose age-appropriate options to cater to their delicate taste buds and nutritional needs.

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  • What You Should Know About Cancer.

    What You Should Know About Cancer.

    It’s a disease in which body cells divide abnormally and uncontrollably thus destroying the body tissues. Cancer occurs when genes stop controlling the way cells divide

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  • 10 Items In  Hospital Bag For Pregnant Mothers.

    10 Items In Hospital Bag For Pregnant Mothers.

    A hospital bag is one that every family should behave handy, it’s more important for couples and families that are expecting a new baby soon. Expectant mothers are expected to have a preparedness plan for the time when the baby is about to pop. At a bare minimum mothers are expected to have a mama…

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  • Colic Relief Tips for Parents

    Colic Relief Tips for Parents

    If the crying does not stop but intensifies and persists throughout the day or night, it may be caused by colic.  About one-fifth of all babies develop colic, usually between the second and fourth weeks.

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  • 5 Steps To Look Like The SuperMom You Are

    5 Steps To Look Like The SuperMom You Are

    looking fatigued. Skincare after delivery is important. Follow this 5 step quick daily regime for your skin and hair to continue looking like a Supermom

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  • 10 Tips For Skin & Hair Care Post-Pregnancy

    10 Tips For Skin & Hair Care Post-Pregnancy

    During pregnancy, the body goes through different physical changes. It makes postpartum skincare and haircare on the top of the list of many women who have delivered their babies.

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  • 6 Postpartum Hair Loss Solution For You

    6 Postpartum Hair Loss Solution For You

    Consuming a nutritious diet is essential for maintaining healthy hair. Some good foods for promoting hair health include strawberries, apples, rajma, prunes, and other antioxidant-rich foods

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  • Is Your Baby’s Drooling Normal?

    Is Your Baby’s Drooling Normal?

    Drooling and blowing bubbles is common in babies during the phase of development when getting what they need is centered on the mouth

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  • Caring for our loved ones should not change our routines

    Caring for our loved ones should not change our routines I remember one day I fell sick years back, unfortunately had to leave my university hostel because it was so serious that I could barely walk and didn’t have some caring for me at the time while at hostel. I was picked up by my…

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  • Special Needs Care services by Teheca

    Special Needs Care services by Teheca “Special Needs” is an umbrella underneath which a staggering array of diagnoses can be wedged. Children with special needs may have mild learning disabilities or profound cognitive impairment; food allergies or terminal illness; developmental delays that catch up quickly or remain entrenched; occasional panic attacks or serious psychiatric problems…

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  • Soft Food Ideas for the Elderly People

    Soft Food Ideas for the Elderly Soft food help elderly people who have difficulty chewing or swallowing continue to eat balanced, nutritious meals. Doctors also may recommend softer foods following head, neck or abdominal surgery, and for patients undergoing treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation. Tender or soft foods help ease the amount of chewing…

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  • Teheca Looking Out For Our Elderly in the Community

    Serving or giving back to our community is one of Teheca ’s strong emphasis and priorities. In that line we encountered a situation that had to be addressed, Mr. Sseruuma Swaib 68, a resident of Gayaza, Kasangati got paralyzed earlier this year due to hypertension attack. He has been bedridden close to five months, currently he is…

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  • What you need to know about Blood Pressure

    Blood pressure This is the measure of the force of blood pushing against blood vessel walls. The heart pumps blood into the arteries, which carry the blood throughout the body. High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is dangerous because it makes the heart work harder to pump blood out to the body and contributes to…

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  • Teheca Qualifies for Orient Bank Business Academy

    Probably you have heard  radio adverts about the Orient Bank Business Academy that was announced by Orient Bank to help provide Micro and Small Enterprises with business management training and financial support to enable them grow and contribute to Uganda’s job creation and economic development. Teheca didn’t let this opportunity pass us by, we always take…

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