During pregnancy, the body goes through different physical changes. It puts postpartum skincare and haircare at the top of the list of many women who have delivered their babies. A good skincare and haircare routine can rejuvenate your skin and hair after nine long months of the roller coaster journey.
The physical changes such as pimples, stretch marks, pigmentation, acne, dark circles, or hair fall that you experience during pregnancy are temporary. These mostly go away after pregnancy and restore to normal.
Although the postpartum period solely revolves around motherly duties and your precious little one, skincare is also important for a happy mind and healthy body. So, amidst the running around and chaotic environment, take some time out for yourself. Here we have an easy guide to help you pamper yourself and bring back that pregnancy glow with some simple tips and tricks.
While you are pregnant, you will be seeing a lot of changes in your skin and hair. Here is what is happening:
Hair Changes:
Here’s what your hair is going through:
Hair loss is one of the most common problems that will haunt you from around the 3rd to 4th month post-delivery.
- During pregnancy, the hair is in the growing stage and the falling stage is slowed down.
- Thanks to the rise in hormone levels during pregnancy, you would have had luscious luxurious hair.
- Post-delivery, the hormone levels come back to normal and the normal hair cycle is resumed.
- Therefore, you will go through a phase of shedding a lot of hair, which may seem unusual, but is completely normal. Don’t worry, you are not going bald!
- This hair loss is temporary and you will see your hair texture coming back to normal 6 to 12 months post-delivery.
Skin Changes
Here’s what your skin is going through and how you can best manage it. Skincare after pregnancy requires a little more attention:
1. Acne:
During pregnancy high progesterone levels can cause the skin to become excessively oily, thus resulting in acne breakouts. Post-pregnancy, due to changes in hormone levels, you may break out in acne, even if your skin was clear throughout your pregnancy.
2. Pigmentation:
Pigmentation or melasma is the dark patch or spots on your skin. These are caused due to high levels of progesterone during pregnancy. Dark patches on your body or the line that runs below your belly will fade away on their post-delivery.
3. Dark Circles And Puffy Eyes:
These are caused due to changes in hormone levels and the lack of sleep after having a baby. Your eyes tend to show the tiredness your body experiences in the form of puffed-up eyes or dark circles.
4. Stretch Marks:
Stretch marks tend to be one of the most stubborn ones to get rid of. As the name goes, it is caused due to the stretching of the skin. Due to the sudden contraction of the skin post-birth, the skin develops small tears, causing it to get cringed in certain areas. These are usually found in the breast, stomach, buttocks, thighs, and behind-the-knee areas.

Here Are Some Effective Ways For Skin Care After Delivery:
Hair Loss Solution
So how can you keep the hair loss under control? Following these 6 simple tips will ensure you keep that hair loss in control:
1. Eat Healthy:
- Ensure your diet is rich in foods that contain antioxidants
- Some good foods for the same are strawberry, apples, rajma, prunes, etc.
- The antioxidants help strengthen the roots.
2. Keep Your Scalp And Hair Clean:
- Wash your scalp with a gentle anti-hair loss shampoo.
- Condition your hair to avoid breakage.
- If you are short of time, apply a leave-in conditioner.
3. Avoid Pulling And Tying Hair:
- Refrain from keeping your hair tied up tightly as this will strain your scalp and hair.
- Doing so will make your hair fall out easily.
4. Vitamin Supplements:
- Your post pregnancy body will need some supplements to help you get back your strength.
- Ensure you take your vitamins like Vitamin B and C regularly to maintain fuller hair.
5. Chemical Treatments:
- Avoid coloring, straightening, and perming your hair, as this may lead to hair loss.
- Also, these treatments are high maintenance, so unless you really have to get one of these done for a special occasion, it’s best to stay away from them for a while.
6. Get A Great Short Haircut:
- If you are losing a lot of hair, go for a haircut and keep it short.
- Your hair will tend to look fuller and the new look will keep your spirits high!
b. Skin:
To keep your baby-glow intact, here are some tips to reduce skin problems both during and after pregnancy:
1. For Acne:
- Make sure you cleanse your face with a mild cleanser twice a day.
- Apply a lightweight, oil-free moisturizer in the morning and night.
- You can use a mild scrub with small soft granules once a week.
- Use products with mild or natural ingredients like aloe Vera and eucalyptus.
2. For Pigmentation:
- The spots on your face will also lighten and will most likely disappear after one-year post birth.
- To ensure you don’t aggravate the pigmentation or get new spots, ensure you use a sunscreen daily, even if you tend to stay indoors.
- As a daily moisturizer, use one that is specifically made for pigmented skin.
3. For Dark Circles And Puffy Eyes:
- Ensure you drink at least 8 glasses of water and have a healthy diet.
- Sleep when the baby sleeps, though it may feel odd to sleep for short naps multiple times a day, this is the best way to get some good sleep and rest.
- Apply a reputed brand of eye cream targeted specifically for dark circles and puffy eyes.
4. For Stretch Marks:
- The key is to avoid getting stretch marks in the first place, so as soon as you know you’re pregnant, start using a moisturizer rich in olive oil or an anti-stretch mark cream in the problem areas to focus on your belly and breasts.
- You can also massage your belly and breasts with olive oil regularly to keep them moisturized and avoid getting stretch marks.
- Post birth, if you have developed stretch marks use a reputable anti-stretch mark cream on the affected areas.
- One of the key measures for reducing stretch marks is a healthy diet and exercise.
- Post checking with your doctor, you can start with some form of exercise like brisk walking, light exercises or yoga to help you reduce the stretch marks.

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