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Must Know About Your Baby’s Feeding Pattern

As a mother, understanding your baby’s feeding patterns is crucial for ensuring their health and well-being. It’s easy to fall into assumptions based on common misconceptions, but every baby is unique, and their needs can vary greatly.  Pay close attention to your baby’s cues rather than relying on general rules or assumptions.

One of the most common assumptions new mothers make is, “I just breastfed my baby 10 minutes ago; they can’t be hungry again.” While this may seem logical, the reality is that babies, especially newborns, often need to feed more frequently than we might expect. Their tiny stomachs can only hold small amounts of milk, and as a result, they may need to nurse often.

Another misconception is that a baby with hiccups needs water to soothe them. Understanding that breastfed babies typically do not need additional water is essential. Breast milk provides all the hydration and nutrients your baby needs in the early months. Giving water to a baby under six months can be harmful, as it might interfere with their intake of the nutrients they need from breast milk.

What You should Know:

Every Baby is Different

  • Some babies may feed every hour, while others might go longer between feedings.
  • The frequency and duration of breastfeeding sessions can change as your baby grows.

Newborn Stomach Size

  • A newborn’s stomach is very tiny, but it grows over time.
  • As your baby grows, they can take in more milk at each feeding, which may gradually lengthen the time between feeds.

Follow Your Baby’s Lead:

  • It’s important to follow your baby’s cues rather than adhering to a rigid feeding schedule.
  • Signs of hunger include; sucking on fists, lip-smacking, turning their hand towards your chest
  • Crying is often a late sign of hunger, so try to offer the breast before your baby becomes too upset.

Responsive feeding, also known as feeding on demand, is an approach that involves feeding your baby whenever they show signs of hunger. This method helps to ensure that your baby gets the nourishment they need when they need it. It’s also an excellent way to build a strong bond with your baby, as you are responding to their needs in a caring and timely manner.

Remember that feeding isn’t just about nutrition; it’s also about comfort and connection. Babies often seek the breast not only because they are hungry but also because they need comfort or reassurance. By feeding on demand, you are meeting both their physical and emotional needs.

When to Seek Advice

While it’s normal for babies to have varied feeding patterns, there are times when you should consult with a healthcare provider. If your baby is consistently refusing to feed, isn’t gaining weight as expected, or seems unusually fussy after feeding, it might be worth discussing with a pediatrician or a lactation consultant. They can provide guidance and support to ensure that your baby is feeding well.

At Teheca, we understand that every mother’s journey is unique. Our team of experienced healthcare professionals is dedicated to providing personalized care and guidance to ensure that both you and your baby thrive. Whether you need advice on breastfeeding, help with understanding your baby’s feeding patterns, or support with any other aspect of early motherhood.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Your baby’s health and your peace of mind are our top priorities. Contact Teheca today, and let us support you in giving your baby the best possible start in life.

Booking our services is simple. Visit our website https://teheca.com/ , drop by our office on Wampeewo, Gayaza Road, during working hours, or reach us by phone (0200 902 468) after work hours or on weekends. 

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