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The Power of Breastfeeding: A Life-saving Gift for Every Child

As the world celebrates World Breastfeeding Month under the theme “Closing the Gap, Breastfeeding Support for all”, data from WHO indicates that there has been an increase in the number of infants under six months who have been exclusively breastfed globally. This essentially translates into the number of infants who have benefited from a healthy start in life and those who have been saved by breastfeeding. Uganda, in particular, has made notable strides in maternal and child health. According to the 2022 Uganda Demographic and Health Survey, 87% of children under the age of two in Uganda are exclusively breastfed during their first six months. This highlights the decrease in the rates of child stunting and child wasting.

While breastfeeding is often seen as a simple, natural act, it is foundational for a child’s health and survival. It goes far beyond just feeding—breastfeeding is a powerful tool that nurtures, protects, and strengthens infants in ways no other food source can.

Breast milk is safe, cheap, clean and contains antibiotics that help to reduce child illness, and improve cognitive and physical development in children.

Every child deserves the best start of life. And here is why

  • Early Nutrition and Immunity.  Initiating breastfeeding in the first hour of life provides the baby with colostrum, a thick yellowish milk that comes from breasts during the first few days after delivery. It is very nutritious and contains immune-boosting properties that protect the child from infectious diseases and allergies. It is a baby’s first vaccine, essentially protecting the baby in those early vulnerable days.
  • Exclusively breastfeeding for six months without giving the baby any other food including juice or water ensures  the baby receives all nutrients needed to grow healthy, and strong and not frequently fall sick, protecting the baby from childhood illness such as diarrhea.
  • Bond with your baby. The skin-to-skin contact, and eye contact during breastfeeding foster a deep emotional bond between mother and child. This bonding is essential for the baby’s psychological development and can lead to better social and emotional outcomes as they grow.
  • Cognitive benefits: Studies have shown that breastfed children often have higher IQs and better cognitive development than those who are formula-fed. This mental edge can have lasting effects, helping children to perform better in school and life.
  • Long-term health benefits: Breastfeeding not only benefits your baby immediately but also provides lasting health advantages. It helps protect against various diseases and conditions, promoting long-term physical and mental well-being.

To fully harness the power of breastfeeding, it’s crucial to provide mothers with the support they need. Mothers shouldn’t have to choose between breastfeeding and other responsibilities. By actively supporting and promoting breastfeeding, we can ensure that every child receives the best possible start in life—a start that is rich in love, health, and opportunity.

How Teheca Can Help

Teheca is dedicated to creating an enabling environment where every mother can enjoy a beautiful and rewarding breastfeeding experience. We understand that breastfeeding can be challenging, but with the help of our professional nurses, you can receive the support you need right in the comfort of your home or workplace. Ready to make your breastfeeding journey smoother? Book our professional nurse for support.

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